CENTER HERE AND NOW / WORKSHOPS / June 2024 / 06.06.24 - 09.06.24


The Miracle Of Communication With Animals. By: Amelia Kinkade – Professional Interspecies Communicator ! (Nowe Kawkowo)
Thu, 6. June 2024 - Sun, 9. June 2024
Amelia Kinkade
June 2024


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Have you EVER wondered what your animal was thinking as it looked up at you with shining eyes?

Are you ready to open your mind enough to find out?

We invite all Animal Friends to an amazing workshop by Amelia Kinkade - the world's most famous psychic for communication with animals, a specialist in interspecies communication, who has been talking to animals of all species for years and teaching people to understand animal language! The Author of the cult and beloved book "The Language of Miracles. A Celebrated Psychic Teaches You to Talk to Animals."

Amelia teaches you how to understand your animal's language, discover what your animal wants, needs, feels and REALLY thinks. Does he feel pain, what was his life like before he came to you, is he sick, does he have emotional or rather physical problems. She explains the subtle signals that underlie animal communication and provides exercises that allow you to communicate with animals on your own.

Amelia shows how to read messages from animals, usually muffled in the noise and chaos of modern life. She helps develop our psychic abilities enabling contact with animals on a non-verbal level, regardless of whether they take the form of clairaudience or clairvoyance.

She helps find missing animals, diagnose the causes of their behavior and deepen the bond between people and their animal friends. She inspires people to have a real Encounter with animals and discover this unspoken world of communication.

However, her real mission is to show that with the right commitment, training and understanding, any of us can do what she does.

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We invite to the workshop everyone who loves animals and would like to learn to communicate with them. Dog lovers, cat lovers, lovers of horses, parrots and lizards. Vets with open hearts and minds, trainers, behaviorists. And also all those who want to expand their intuition, discover their psychic abilities and are curious about new methods and experiences.

Note: We come to the workshop without our animals, only with their photos. The photo must include only the animal itself, so that its eyes can be seen.

During the workshop, Amelia will take you on a magical journey into the heart of your innate power, where you will rekindle your psychic senses and ignite your ability to communicate with other species. Ameliae will help you hone these skills as you reach out with love to communicate with your animal friends.

We will explore techniques for "receiving" the thoughts, feelings and sensations of animals and developing intuition, thanks to which we will be able to better understand the psychological and physical problems of our four-legged friends.

We will learn that each of us can use tools such as remote viewing and psychic skills, and improve them every day - for the good of all the beings around us. Amelia will also show you how to develop your "sixth sense" to the point that you can rely on it like on any other sense.

Amelia says that communicating with animals is not a unique "gift," but a skill that involves learning to use all of our senses in order to understand the information flowing to us. Telepathy can be learned in the same way as playing the piano or skiing. It is an art that requires quiet discipline and patience.

“When communicating with animals, we learn that we can interpret the emerging sensations through the senses that we have developed best. If you have the gift of words, you will conduct your conversation with the animal using words. If you are artistically talented you will receive pictures. If touch or dance is important to you, you may have physical sensations of pain, delight, or taste. If you are a musician, you can hear the animal's messages as its voice. And if you are an empathetic person who picks up on people's feelings, you will experience specific feelings and sensations in your body. Just as the words and sentences you hear intuitively when engaging in non-verbal communication with people appear in your head, similarly the words and sentences you receive from animals are also in "your head".

Amelia proves that telepathic ability is not a God-given gift, but a learned skill available to all of us.

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During the workshop, you will be able to recognize and develop your psychic abilities that will help you communicate with your animal friends:

  • Clairvoyance (Clear-seeing): The ability to exchange mental pictures & even “film-clips” (moving sequences of events) to & from the mind of your animal friends.
  • Clairsentience (Clear-feeling): The ability to send and receive emotion to and from your animal friends.
  • Clairaudience (Clear-hearing): The ability to hear telepathic information in whatever language you speak.
  • X-ray Vision (Medical Gestalt): The ability to use your body as an instrument to determine if and where your animals are in pain.
  • Starlight Vision (Mediumship): The ability to send & receive messages from beloved animal friends on the “Other Side.”
  • Photo Talk (Remote viewing): How to connect to distant animals using nothing but a photograph of the animal.

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“How would our planet change if we learned to communicate with animals?”

More and more people are starting to take interspecies communication seriously. It is not reserved for the chosen few. It is available to everyone.

In her books on interspecies communication, Amelia Kinkade combines telepathic processes with quantum processes. She explains what authentic cases of interspecies communication have in common with the latest discoveries in the field of quantum physics. She explains how you can develop these skills by yourself.

Effective communication with animals has a deeper meaning – it allows us to realize their great value, and also draws our attention to endangered species, the dangers of factory farming and the cruelties of laboratory tests. Thanks to her, we can help all of humanity make a huge quantum leap in the development of consciousness and compassion. So that we can do wonders about saving our planet and communicating with the beings inhabiting it, each of us must start with ourselves.

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I believe that you love yourself and the creatures around you enough to use the tools I present here – for the benefit of all the animals you meet along the way. You were taught that animals can't talk, but I'm going to present a completely new, revolutionary idea – they "talk" all the time! What's more – psychic abilities are not some miraculous talent for the chosen ones, but a learned skill. Cutting yourself off from your own intuition (and also from animal thoughts) is also nothing more than a learned behavior. Someone taught you this.


The belief system that limits you to only your five senses is not really your own. You took it over from your parents, grandparents and teachers who only had outdated knowledge. Now we are entering the most exciting moment in human history. We have reached the point where we can develop our senses and become people who will surround other beings on Earth with compassion and love.

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I'm going to dispel the myth that animals are just "furry toys". For this purpose, I propose a shift in two paradigms. The first one has to do with the way we perceive our animal friends, who are much more intelligent and have a more complex emotional life than we think. They can think, feel and even reason. They have complicated relationships and experience a whole spectrum of emotions that we call human.


The second quantum leap concerns how we perceive ourselves. We have access to extraordinary powers that we have never even dared to dream about before. Our perception is not limited to the five senses we all have an internal capacity for extrasensory perception, encoded in our neurophysiology, brain biochemistry and throughout the body. All you need is a bit of focus and patience to rediscover these abilities and develop them.

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Amelia Kinkade will host a free webinar, “The Language of Miracles – An Introduction to Animal Communication,” on March 21 at 7pm – 9pm ! We invite you to register at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Watch video

Details of the workshop


  • 6 – 9  June  2024 (Thursday – Sunday)

  • 6th   June  at 6 PM  with dinner

  • 9th   June  at 2 PM  with lunch

  • ”Here and Now” Personal and Spiritual Development Center in Nowe Kawkowo
  • Due to the unstable economic situation in Poland, we reserve the right to raise the prices of accommodation, meals and workshops, based on exchange rates and official inflation rates in Poland.


  • 2400 PLN  + Food & Accommodation
  • 2300 PLN when deposit is paid till 29 February 2024

  • 2200 PLN when deposit is paid till 31 January 2024

  • Food 110 PLN / day (3 vegetarian meals)
  • Accommodation depending on standard: From 35 PLN - 140 PLN / night;
  • Only full board packages are available.


  • Jacek Towalski, mobile phone: +48 602 219 382
  • Maja Wołosiewicz - Towalska, mobile phone: +48 606 994 366,
  • Office, mobile phone: +48 662 759 576
    e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  1. Please register by email at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.(giving your first and last name, phone number, the name and date of the workshop). E-mail registration constitutes consent to join the newsletter and receive information about new products, promotions, offers, trainings and services of the Tu i Teraz Center to the provided e-mail address. You can withdraw your consent at any time by clicking the "Resignation" link at the very bottom of the Newsletter.
  2. Only after receiving an email with confirmation of your accommodation choice, please send a payment.
  3. We kindly ask you to pay a deposit in a week from registration. No payment within 7 days will cancel the registration. Please do not pay deposit before receiving an email confirmation of the reservation of your place in the workshop!
  4. Paying the deposit to our Centre means you agree to the Center rules and regulations, which you will receive by email upon registration.
  5. Please pay 300 PLN deposit to “Tu i Teraz” to the following account with description: "Name, Surname, 6-”.
  6. Refund will be available not later than 30 days prior to the event. In case of refund, the 20 PLN administration fee will be deducted from the deposit. The deposit cannot be transferred to another workshop.
  7. Remaining payment for the workshop is paid on spot and accepted in CASH only, after arrival to the Centre.


Tu i Teraz

92 1020 3541 0000 5502 0206 3410

IBAN: PL92 1020 3541 0000 5502 0206 3410 (account in PLN)
IBAN: PL27 1020 3541 0000 5202 0364 3111 (account in EUR)


Amelia Kinkade


amelia kinkade

Amelia Kinkade

Amelia Kinkade is the founder of Amelia’s Ark Angel Society, a non-profit charity that leads an anti-poaching campaign and teaches wildlife education for children in rural Africa. Amelia also founded The Language of Miracles Institute online. Ms. Kinkade is the author of six books including the bestseller, Straight From the Horse’s Mouth:  How to Talk to Animals and Get Answers, Whispers from the Wild: Listening to Voices from the Animal Kingdom, The Winged One, and The Language of Miracles: A Celebrated Psychic Teaches You to Talk to Animals (New World Library.)

She is an international speaker who lectured in 27 countries, including the US, Mexico, Canada, England, Scotland, Sweden, Germany, Norway, Switzerland, Austria, Poland, Portugal, Brazil, and South Africa where she trains animal lovers from all walks of life including doctors and vets.  Amelia was featured in The 100 Top Psychics in America. (Simon and Schuster)

Her unique abilities have been the focus of hundreds of magazines and newspaper articles world-wide including The New York Times, the cover of The Chicago Tribune, ABC News, The Boston North Shore Sunday, The London Sunday News of The World, Good Housekeeping, Cat Fancy, Dog Fancy, New Woman in England, Bilt de Frau in Germany, Annabelle in Switzerland, the cover of The Star in South Africa, and the cover of the Freitseit Kurier in Vienna. Miss Kinkade has appeared on television programs such as The View, The Other Half, The Ellen Degeneres Show, Extra, VH1, Jenny Jones, The BBC News, Carte Blanche in South Africa, and numerous news broadcasts in the US, Europe, and Australia. She has been heard on over 300 radio programs in the last few years from Memphis to Cape Town, South Africa. A BBC documentary was created around her work with the elephants in the Kruger National Park and a BBC children’s programming tour was created for her youngest most open-minded fans.

Amelia’s true passion is leading sacred safaris in Africa, as well as homage to the Tigers at Tiger Canyon in South Africa, and the gorilla in Volcanoes National Park, Rwanda.  In 2002, she was honored to accept invitations to Buckingham Palace to work with the household cavalry of Queen Elizabeth II and to “whisper” with the hunting horses of King Charles.  Ms. Kinkade coached the horses of Edouard Rothschild, winning the Grande Prix gold and silver medals in Rome and Vienna in the Longines Global Championship Tours.

Please visit:


© - Centre For Personal And Spiritual Development "Here And Now" in New Kawkowo.


New Kawkowo 52 A, the municipality Jonkowo 11-042
Warmia and Mazury region


Office:+48 662 759 576
Office: +48 535 285 450
Jacek Towalski: +48 602 219 382
Maja Wołosiewicz-Towalska: +48 606 994 366