CENTER HERE AND NOW / WORKSHOPS / July 2018 / 09.07.18 - 15.07.18


Vibrant Heart – Healing Tantric Retreat, lead Kachenka & Michael Kreuzwieser, (Nowe Kawkowo)
Mon, 9. July 2018 - Sun, 15. July 2018
Kachenka i Michael Kreuzwieser
July 2018


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Do you want to feel fully alive, vibrant, expansive and invite more freedom, courage, joy, sensuality, trust and love for life and people?

Are you longing for a deeper acceptance of yourself, to feel more complete, let go of guilt and shame and step into creating the deep intimacy that your heart fulfills? Are you ready to fully say YES to life?

Time to realize that i am perfect as I am and I have everything I need inside of me. Everything
I am looking for outside of myself is already there and I can practice and be unconditional Love & Acceptance.

This 7 day Tantra Healing Retreat is designed to lead you into vibrant heart expansion, radical authentic self expression, trust, compassion, forgiveness and deeper self love. We create a safe healing space to transform your wounds into radiant energy, to shine and to go beyond your own image and story.

To discover, heal and integrate your hidden aspects and to balance your feminine
and masculine qualities.
To let go of guilt and shame and let go and surrender to yourself and to life, to create deep and heart touching intimacy.

Do you get stuck in old stories of yourself and do you want to become more free of your old ways of thinking, feeling and living your life? Do you want to integrate more honesty and authentic expression into every minute of your life and do you want to create much deeper and heart touching relationships?


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Do you wish for fully saying YES to yourself, to forgive yourself and people from the past and your actual life? Are you ready to gain much more access to your deep inner wisdom, to connect to your aliveness and inner beauty, your clarity, acceptance and compassion and integrate a practice of being and communication that brings you in a clear contact with your desires and boundaries?

Are you longing for deeply fulfilling, nourishing and conscious touch, to give and receive touch in a way that is fulfilling, healing and expanding your sense of yourself?

Are you looking for a way to get over old concepts of love, sensuality and relating and free yourself from your limitations and embrace life as it is unfolding in front of you AND inside of you? Let go of the effort of controlling life and let life live through you?

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As a group we will raise together in our vibration and create a powerful and safe container to deal with, to allow and to feel your way through everything that arises, your fear, anger, pain, love, lust, shame, guilt and joy. Through allowing yourself to fully feel, you will learn to go with the flow of your inner energies and stop resisting life and go beyond your own limitations, to let go of the past and heal yourself.

We will give you everyday tools and practices to stay in your moment to moment experience out of mind concepts. We will lead you into practice of love, self love, surrender, trust, full body forgiveness and fully authentic expression.

The practices aims to restore your natural polarity between inner masculine and feminine, attaining your natural internal balance, allowing better emotional awareness in order to heal your relations to yourself and others. From there your sensuality and sexuality can flow more naturally and free beyond conditioned shame and guilt. This is the time for you to heal your heart, your relationships, your sexuality and to allow full contact with the beautiful love within you.

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Tools / Methodology:

To connect deeper to your unique energy flow, your embodied wisdom and to become more present from moment to moment we use Dynamic Meditations, Tantric Kriya Yoga, Movement Meditation, Bioenergetics and Emotional Release techniques.

Conscious breathwork supports you in experiencing higher consciousness, greater awareness and presence that enables a more balanced inner and outer health.

Tantric Meditations and practices will serve you in creating present and intimate encounters with others and yourself, to let go of conditioning, to become still inside and vibrant in the heart. To connect to your intuition and trust through accessing your inner body wisdom.

Authentic Communication and Radical Honesty will be used to bring you into full presence in connection with others, to take full responsibility for your experience and to let go of self destructive mechanism in the mind and to practice full body forgiveness - yourself and others. And to truly ask for what you want and express what you don't want.

With Constellation Work you become more aware of conditioned roles, self limiting beliefs and judgements and you raise your awareness of the stories and your history that is still alive inside of you and in the way of your full expression.

To connect deeper to your unconditional love and to your natural Sensuality, we combine Conscious Tantric Touch and elements of the Tantric Massage. Bodywork and the Sacred Spot Massage support you to fully surrender and step beyond guilt and shame.

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The Wheel of Consent guides you into more clarity about your automatic roles you play in intimate encounters and will give you amazing tools for more clarity in feeling and expressing your desires and boundaries - as well as to create more lightness, playfulness and deeper intimacy.

Tantric Rituals, as Shiva-Shakti Puja, incorporate several elements from the world of tantra: Loving contact, presence, the embodiment of Shiva - Shakti in the physical body, sacredness, couple kriya energy flow practices and dance. In the presence of deep intention you will recognise and honour the divine within yourself and each other, experiencing a glimpse of living in Bliss.

A beautiful Cacao Ceremony and touching Medicine songs open up the heart gently and empower self compassion and healing.

We will start every day with a group practice of Kriya Yoga, embodiment, movement or

dance meditations, release work or breathwork to raise the level of energy, aliveness

and to open up to our bodies.

Who is it for?

This workshop is for singles & couples, beginners & advanced and any sexual orientation and gender that wishes to deepen their connection to their inner wisdom and enter into a path of more awareness, freedom and love in their lives.

Details of the workshop


9 - 15 July 2018 (Monday - Sunday)

WE BEGIN 9.07, at 6 PM (Dinner)
WE END 15.07, at 2 PM (Lunch)

Here and Now” Personal and Spiritual Development Center in Nowe Kawkowo


  • 1200 PLN + food & accommodation
  • 1000 PLN when deposits are paid till 30th of May
  • Food 88 PLN / day (3 vegetarian meals)
  • Accommodation depending on standard: From 33 PLN - 124 PLN / night;
  • Only full board packages are available.


  • Jacek Towalski, mobile phone: +48 602 219 382
  • Maja Wołosiewicz - Towalska, mobile phone: +48 606 994 366,
  • Office, mobile phone: +48 662 759 576
    e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


  • Number of participants is limited – the deposit payment order will grant you spot on the workshop!
  • The Deposit is not refundable 2 weeks before the start of the workshop.
  1. Please register by email at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (giving your first and last name, phone number, the name and date of the workshop).
  2. Only after receiving an email with confirmation of your accommodation choice, please send a payment.
  3. We kindly ask you to pay a deposit in a week from registration. No payment within 7 days will cancel the registration. Please do not pay deposit before receiving an email confirmation of the reservation of your place in the workshop!
  4. Paying the deposit to our Centre means you agree to the Center rules and regulations, which you will receive by email upon registration.
  5. Please pay 220 PLN deposit to “Tu i Teraz” to the following account with description: "Deposit for Lodging 9-15.VII.2018”.


Tu i Teraz

92 1020 3541 0000 5502 0206 3410
IBAN: PL92 1020 3541 0000 5502 0206 3410

Refund will be available only within two weeks after a payment is made!

In case of refund, the 20 PLN handling fee will be deducted from the deposit.
The deposit can not be transferred to another workshop.


Kachenka i Michael Kreuzwieser


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Kachenka ( Katerina Foltova)

A Rainbow free spirit, natural healer of many paths of life. Born in Czech Republic. Hatha and Tantra Kriya Yoga teacher, Shiatsu Thai massage therapist, Biodynamic breath and trauma release practitioner, Reiki & Deeksha giver, Initiated into plant medicine paths with Huichol and Shipibo tribes.

“My journey has started 11 years ago in India by 21 day process of Deeksha energetic transmission program, where profound healing took place and I was initiated as a Diksha giver into the path of a healer. Only after many years of working with energy, practicing and teaching yoga, trauma release, breathwork, working with plant medicines and healing myself, I found a path of Tantra. The Ancient alchemical path of transformation through the inner forces of life, which allows us to connect deeper with oneself, with others and with all forms of life. During the group sessions I share the knowledge and practices to purify, cleanse; tools to recycle our sexual energy, our thoughts, our emotions and beliefs.”

Katerina has completed the advance teacher training with Nayano Burdine, the elder teacher of Ipsalu Tantra Kriya Yoga system, following Osho's red Tantra and Babaji's white Tantra teachings. She has the level 1 & 2 Cosmic Cobra Breath initiation which accelerated her healing of many deep traumas regarding sexuality, bringing awareness on how to effectively use her vital energy. It has been now 5 successful years she travels around the world with the Ipsalu workshops. Latest workshops and classes held in Berlin are fusions organized with creative teachers and healers: Tantra Tango, Bellydance Tantra, Tantra sweat lodges, Shamanic Tantra Retreats and Shamanic Breathing Ceremonies, Liquid Tantra, Cacao Tantra Ecstatic and Tantra Rebirth Weekend Retreats.


 michael kreuzwieser

Michael Kreuzwieser

I am a researcher of Tantra, presence, deep intimate connections, conscious touch, consens, Radical Honesty and embodiment.

I have a deep passion and love for people and to support each other to go beyond our conditioning into our natural beauty and full love for life and others. I am very committed to support people in expanding out of their routines and believes and to come to inner peace & silence and full authentic self expression. I am a creator of safe spaces to explore Tantra, deep honesty, sensuality, transforming touch and embodiment – to spread more self awareness, self love and finally self responsibility. To realise that I am the creator of everything, my joy and my suffering and that I am fully responsible for myself. I have a deep desire to bring more intimacy outside of fixed believes, healing touch and transforming honesty to the world.

My core teachings are self awareness & responsibility, embodiment, authentic communication and deep intimacy. I have been teaching and integrating Tantra in my life for several years, I teach what I live and what helps me to become more free & alive. My background is teaching a Somatic Coaching Bodywork since 2011, called the Grinberg Method, a powerful body awareness practice. I am giving tantric healing sessions since 2013 and i am digging deeper into myself and others with the revolutionary practice of Radical Honesty since 2014 . My final shift into a deeper peace, trust and love happened with attending the transformative workshops of “ Magic of Love ” & Radical Honesty . Since then I am in constant learning, expansion, letting go of the old me and allowing the unknown. I am a trainer in training for Radical Honesty and I am a Forrest Yoga Teacher since 2017. I facilitate transformative Workshops & Retreats in which I melt together Tantra, Conscious Touch and Radical Honesty.




© - Centre For Personal And Spiritual Development "Here And Now" in New Kawkowo.


New Kawkowo 52 A, the municipality Jonkowo 11-042
Warmia and Mazury region


Office:+48 662 759 576
Office: +48 535 285 450
Jacek Towalski: +48 602 219 382
Maja Wołosiewicz-Towalska: +48 606 994 366