Kachenka i Michael Kreuzwieser - Archiwum

Kachenka i Michael Kreuzwieser



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Kachenka ( Katerina Foltova)

A Rainbow free spirit, natural healer of many paths of life. Born in Czech Republic. Hatha and Tantra Kriya Yoga teacher, Shiatsu Thai massage therapist, Biodynamic breath and trauma release practitioner, Reiki & Deeksha giver, Initiated into plant medicine paths with Huichol and Shipibo tribes.

“My journey has started 11 years ago in India by 21 day process of Deeksha energetic transmission program, where profound healing took place and I was initiated as a Diksha giver into the path of a healer. Only after many years of working with energy, practicing and teaching yoga, trauma release, breathwork, working with plant medicines and healing myself, I found a path of Tantra. The Ancient alchemical path of transformation through the inner forces of life, which allows us to connect deeper with oneself, with others and with all forms of life. During the group sessions I share the knowledge and practices to purify, cleanse; tools to recycle our sexual energy, our thoughts, our emotions and beliefs.”

Katerina has completed the advance teacher training with Nayano Burdine, the elder teacher of Ipsalu Tantra Kriya Yoga system, following Osho's red Tantra and Babaji's white Tantra teachings. She has the level 1 & 2 Cosmic Cobra Breath initiation which accelerated her healing of many deep traumas regarding sexuality, bringing awareness on how to effectively use her vital energy. It has been now 5 successful years she travels around the world with the Ipsalu workshops. Latest workshops and classes held in Berlin are fusions organized with creative teachers and healers: Tantra Tango, Bellydance Tantra, Tantra sweat lodges, Shamanic Tantra Retreats and Shamanic Breathing Ceremonies, Liquid Tantra, Cacao Tantra Ecstatic and Tantra Rebirth Weekend Retreats.


 michael kreuzwieser

Michael Kreuzwieser

I am a researcher of Tantra, presence, deep intimate connections, conscious touch, consens, Radical Honesty and embodiment.

I have a deep passion and love for people and to support each other to go beyond our conditioning into our natural beauty and full love for life and others. I am very committed to support people in expanding out of their routines and believes and to come to inner peace & silence and full authentic self expression. I am a creator of safe spaces to explore Tantra, deep honesty, sensuality, transforming touch and embodiment – to spread more self awareness, self love and finally self responsibility. To realise that I am the creator of everything, my joy and my suffering and that I am fully responsible for myself. I have a deep desire to bring more intimacy outside of fixed believes, healing touch and transforming honesty to the world.

My core teachings are self awareness & responsibility, embodiment, authentic communication and deep intimacy. I have been teaching and integrating Tantra in my life for several years, I teach what I live and what helps me to become more free & alive. My background is teaching a Somatic Coaching Bodywork since 2011, called the Grinberg Method, a powerful body awareness practice. I am giving tantric healing sessions since 2013 and i am digging deeper into myself and others with the revolutionary practice of Radical Honesty since 2014 . My final shift into a deeper peace, trust and love happened with attending the transformative workshops of “ Magic of Love ” & Radical Honesty . Since then I am in constant learning, expansion, letting go of the old me and allowing the unknown. I am a trainer in training for Radical Honesty and I am a Forrest Yoga Teacher since 2017. I facilitate transformative Workshops & Retreats in which I melt together Tantra, Conscious Touch and Radical Honesty.



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