David Goodman - Archiwum

David Goodman



david goodman

Goodman David

Biodanza Teacher, Therapist, Counselor, Coach

The professional path of David covers the scientific and the spiritual world. As a young man he practiced martial arts, taught kick boxing and womens’ self-defense. He obtained a doctorate (Ph.D.) in experimental physics and then worked as a counselor and psychotherapist. Science has evolved into metaphysics; a journey of discovery, how to manifest dreams and desires in the physical world. He recognized, developed and taught techniques of Beliefs Change and Reality Creation.

He conducted workshops of Manifestation for therapists, in Glastonbury, USA, Portugal, Italy and France. He is fluent in a number of alternative methods of bodywork therapy, including Shiatsu, Zero Balancing, Bio-Dynamics and healing with cristals. He danced 5 Rhythms for many years, finding in movement the freedom and the ability of expression. He learnt Tantra in Europe and trained himself as a Biodanza teacher in the UK, Spain and the Netherlands. In Biodanza he found a mixture of dance, Tantra and psychotherapy. A unique approach.



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