Leah Guy - Archiwum

Leah Guy



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Leah Guy

Leah Guy is an intuitive healer, speaker and author of 3 self-care books, including her latest release Overcoming Toxic Emotions, A Practical Guide to Building Better Relationships with Yourself and Others. She uses her personal triumphs over abuse, addiction and anxiety, along with more than two decades experience in private practice helping people access their fullest potential.

Leah has appeared on top media outlets as an expert on the mind-body connection, energy medicine, and emotional and spiritual healing. She facilitates retreats and workshops around the country, and online. Leah has a BA from University of Louisville, a CMT from Alive & Well Institute of Conscious Bodywork California and studied at The School of Enlightenment and Healing. She hosts The Modern Sage Podcast and has an established global audience as a teacher on InsightTimer and DailyOM.


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