Daniella Bhakti - Archiwum

Daniella Bhakti



daniella bhakti

Daniella Bhakti

Grew up in an environment where people spoke and lived in communion with the mystical and esoteric, so from a very young age she was interested in things that cannot be seen, through the world of dreams and imagination she expanded her mind and heart, the result was a "charm" for cinema, so as a teenager she became interested in transpersonal psychology, mainly CG Jung. The proximity of the Tarot and the esoteric in her life through her mother, also allowed her to delve into these paths of self-knowledge, also beginning his path as a wiccan.

Later in college, she graduated in Audiovisual Communication with a major in Film and Television Direction, in Santiago, Chile. During university she also became interested in Angelology, loving energies that to this day she like to have around her. In 2005 she arrived in Barcelona and did a Master in Psychocreativity at the UAB.

More than 15 years ago she began to recognize the Dakini that slept in her and in 2009 she trained in Madrid and Barcelona as a Massage Therapist and Tantric Therapist with Anand Rudra. Since then she have flowed with her Tantric flight, creating at the beginning of 2010 a space for Tantra in Barcelona, which materialized in "Kamala Tantra" that worked until 2017 and at the beginning of 2019 she offer "Tantra Spiritual Fitness" a tantric center created to bring the Tantric practice to all areas of society through her Tantra school: Tantra Alchemy a path to immortality.

Profesor in Betantric.

Receiving Maha Mudra transmission on 2019.

Rebirther breathwork master.

Iniciated in Babaji´s Kriya Yoga.

In the path of the Fellowship of Isis.


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