Kristin Magnus and Anna Sokołek - Archiwum

Kristin Magnus and Anna Sokołek



Kristin Magnus

Kristin Magnus is a certified zen coach, film and tv-director and an actress before she started to explore Tantra. She has been with ISTA, Andrew Barnes, Bruce Lion, Santoshi, and other inspiring teachers. Also influenced by Åsa Kullberg, Byron Katie, Marshall Rosenberg, Sarita, Kåre Landfald and more. She loves to learn and get new understanding and insights.

Kristin has been guiding Tantra since 2014 and loves the transformational and evolving art of Tantra. In her workshops she guides a safe and loving space for each and everyone to explore their inner truth and possibilities. That can open you up for more joy and pleasure in your life.

anna sokolek 2021

Anna Sokołek

Tantra teacher in the international Tantra Woman School where she runs trainings of Red, White and Green Tara. She runs her own brand "Tantra dla Kobiet" offering tantra workshops for woman and mixed groups in Poland and abroad. Certified practitioner of tantric body work after John Hawkens "Paths of Transformations" school. Certified family constellation therapist according to Bert Hellinger method. Ania specializes in yoni healing sessions for woman. She is also fulfilled singer and voice coach. She loves to create safe spaces for people who want to go deeper and expand their consciousness.

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