Komala Sunder Amorim - Archiwum

Komala Sunder Amorim





Komala was born in Brazil and lived in India for twenty years working as a therapist at Osho International Meditation Resort. Now he lives in Austria and travels all over the world sharing her work. Many years of meditation practice, internal searches, as well as the ability to sing, combined with the exploration of the traditions of Zen, Sufism, Taoism, healing arts and modern sciences about the human mind and heart are the basis of her work.

Komala’s work with Open Voice has started to develop when she went to India 30 years ago to live and study at the Osho meditation and therapy center in Puna. There she met many musicians from all over the world and began experimenting with performing Brazilian music and exploring sounds in different ways. At that time, she worked with a great pianist Anuprada, who was involved with Gurdjieff music, and with her she started a unique exploration of music, sounds and the singing voice. What touched Komala in this work was the connection with the different nuances of the singing voice with silence, deep feelings and emotions, and its effect on the body and environment. She has also started studying and practising sound massage, using various instruments in combination with different voice frequencies, including overtone singing (with Michael Veter). She started offering workshops, on “Voice and Movement”, based on those teacheingas and her personal explorations of voice, sound, meditation and body awareness.

In 2001, she met Pratibha de Stoppani, the creator of Voicing © method - multi-dimensional method of voice work and spontaneous singing, based on the chakra system. Basing on the teachings of de Stoppani and personal experience, she created her own method - Open Voice.

Since 2001, she started offering voice workshops in India, at the Osho’s center and in other countries like Russia, China, Spain, Austria and the Czech Republic. For five years, she has been working mainly in Europe, where she offers various workshops and a six-modules professional training in Open Voice.

Komala is currently enrolled in a master’s study through Ubiquity University, in Germany, and the subject of the master's thesis is to observe the development process of her students from the Open Voice method – the method itself, the learning process and its application.

Komala is also a graduate of Artistic Education, she trained in trans-personal and meditation therapies, development techniques and body work: Hara Awareness Massage®; Cranio Sacral Balancing®, Somatic Experiencing® (Peter Levine), Voicing®, Die Before you Die; Awareness Intensive, Satori; Primal therapy and Sexual De-conditioning, Essence Work and Chakra Balancing.



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