Santoshi Amor and Anna Sokołek - Archiwum

Santoshi Amor and Anna Sokołek



Santoshi Amor

santoshi amor

Santoshi is an international Tantra teacher who has embodied the essence of Tantra for the last 20 years. Her presence and both her passion and spontaneity encourage participants to discover hidden aspects of themselves. She dropped her career as an architect to follow her heart and lived at the OSHO Community in India for 12 years where she became a Tantra and Meditation teacher.

After leaving OSHO commune she retreated in silence and isolation in the Himalayas for over a year to practice Tibetan Tantra. Intimacy and Love are her quest in life. She has experienced many different relationships and explore deeply the art of conscious love and conscious sexuality. She is based in Ibiza at the moment, where she gathers people from all over the world to experience Living Tantra. 

She also runs a Tantra training for women, singles and couples in different countries.  Her Passion is to support women to bloom into their higher potential.

Anna Sokołek

anna sokolek

Tantra teacher in the international Tantra Woman School where she runs trainings of Red, White and Green Tara. She runs her own brand "Tantra dla Kobiet" offering tantra workshops for woman and mixed groups in Poland and abroad. Certified practitioner of tantric body work after John Hawkens "Paths of Transformations" school. Certified family constellation therapist according to Bert Hellinger method. Ania specializes in yoni healing sessions for woman. She is also fulfilled singer and voice coach. She loves to create safe spaces for people who want to go deeper and expand their consciousness.


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