Gregor Khushru Steinmaurer - Archiwum

Gregor Khushru Steinmaurer



gregor khushru steinmauer

Gregor Khushru Steinmaurer

Systemic Therapist, Traumatherapist (Somatic Experiencing®), Psychosocial Counsellor (Dipl. LSB, Austria), Coach and Facilitator. Lives in Austria, works in private practice und leads workshops and trainings internationally since more 10 years. Trained in a variety of methods and therapeutic modalities, such as: Systemic Family Therapy, Somatic Experiencing, Family Constellation, NLP, Bodywork, Primal Therapy. Additional Trainings in Traumatherapy with Marianne Bentzen (Neuroaffective Therapy), Maggie Phillips (Ego-State Therapy) and others. Long-term intensive exploration and practice of different spiritual traditions, Psychotherapy, Bodywork. Since more than 15 years regular practice of Meditation and Martial Arts. Leads workshops and trainings together with his wife Komala de Amorim.

Special interest in the further development of collective healing oriented processes at the intersection of trauma, mysticism and integral development.

Gregor has been working intensely with men since more than 10 years. In this time, he has been working with men of all ages and backgrounds in different countries, and running groups and long trainings for men. His way of working is a unique combination of professionalism and clarity with deep insight, friendliness and humor – allowing men to regain their sense of dignity and individual form of power.



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