F. Paradiso Tapesh i Hornman Anouk - Archiwum

F. Paradiso Tapesh i Hornman Anouk



tapesh f paradiso

F. Paradiso Tapesh

was born in the South of Italy. At a young age he already started to travel and explore. He was in the beginning of his twenties when he met Osho, the great inspiring master, and his journey brought him to the community in Oregon, the US and after that to India where he lived close to Osho, who was at that time still present and alive. In his presence Tapesh started his journey with mediation and the healing arts. He studied and practiced many different massage techniques from all over the world and with more than two decades of experiences through touch, bodymind journey and meditation, Tapesh developed a unique fusion that is now called ‘Alchemy of Touch’.

It’s origin comes from Osho Rebalancing Massage where Tapesh retouched and improved this professional technique into a less static, more artistic and poetic way, working without any effort! The best combination of a wide variety of massage techniques integrated with his own innovative method ‘Fluid Touch’ brings to live this powerful form of massage which he teaches around the world and shares as well in his profound private massage sessions.

anouk hornman

Hornman Anouk

is partner, trainer and organizer of the Alchemy of Touch Massage Academy and is a personal practitioner of Alchemy of Touch Massages as well.

From a young age Anouk worked for 7 years in Mental Health Care, providing those who where in need Mental and Physical support. In her early twenties she started another intense journey within her own physical health and due to that explored a lot of means of natural healing, a total holistic approach. She has deep respect and gratitude for this life opportunity from which she wants to share and empower others in the most natural way.

Studying Skin Therapy and having her own practice as a Professional Masseuse, Skin Therapist and Health Care Educator where a natural follow up on this where she could share all her qualities and healing touch. She has extensive knowledge about all aspects of the human body; the skin as our biggest receptive organ and the anatomy and functioning of our amazing body mechanisms. With as well knowledge of nutrition’s and the importance of mental stability, the synergy between bodymind; a total holistic approach. Anouk has an innate connection with the ancient wisdom teachings. And travelling and living in India and the East are an important part of inspiration to her.


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woj. warmińsko- mazurskie


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