OŚRODEK TU I TERAZ / WARSZTATY / September 2021 / 03.09.21 - 05.09.21


Open Voice. The Way Through The Chakras. Open Your Body Through The Sound. Introductory Workshop, (Warsaw)
Pt, 3. wrzesień 2021 - N, 5. wrzesień 2021
Komala Sunder Amorim
September 2021


pelnia kobiecosci transformacja uzdrawianie

“The power of the voice and sound vibrations, the endless variety of frequencies that are possible, and its effect on the human body, emotion, mind and spiritual connection is an immensly rich topic. I am passionate about the endless possibilities for exploration and application of the human voice and its expression through spontaneous singing in many areas of life.”

/ Komala /

We invite you to the introductory / basic workshop which is an introduction to the 6-step professional training "Open Voice Training. The way through the chakras ”- the original method of the amazing teacher Komala Sunder Amorim.

Both the basic workshop and the entire training is for everyone who has a voice and the longing to explore it. You don’t have to have a “special” voice or “talent” for singing. This method proves that expressing oneself through singing is everyone’s birthright.

If you are a professional singer, a shamanic practitioner, if you use your voice in your work, if you simply enjoy singing for yourself or believe you cannot sing, this method will open a completely new world for you.

During the training you will go through a deep personal transformation with your voice. The voice will be your vehicle and will take you to many dimensions of your Being - from the deepest sounds of your Ancestors and physical experiences, to the highest frequencies of your mind and subtle spiritual experiences. You will meet and reconnect within you the infinite richness of sound vibrations. You will express the uniqueness of your personality through spontaneous singing.

In the Open Voice method, through voice, breathing, movement and special techniques, we discover a huge variety of sounds inside us. At the same time, we use the sound vibration of our voice to open up our entire body and our energy. Open Voice is a method of rescuing our natural ability to sing spontaneously by expressing the inner experiences and uniqueness of our Being. This is a therapeutic process, a powerful opening for self-expression, and a spiritual experience. It is a call to be totally in the present moment and to give expression to what is happening inside, through the singing voice.

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We work with the chakra system, a map through which we enter specific qualities and ranges of sound vibration related to each chakra (energy center), from the lowest to the highest frequencies.

This exploration goes from the lowest sounds related to physical strength and vitality in the first chakra, to the emotional expressions and sensuality in the belly, to power and joy in the solar plexus, to the gentle sounds of love and openness in the heart, to the creative space of the throat, to the high frequency of awareness in the 6th chakra, up to the highest and silent vibration of the seventh chakra.

1st CHAKRA – Singing our way into our roots

We connect our roots and explore the lowest sound vibrations, bringing the strength, vitality and nourishment from the earth into our physical body, reconnecting our basic, instinctual energy.

The qualities of the first Chakra sounds give stability and embodiment to the sound and the singing.

2nd CHAKRA – Reconnecting our Feelings

Here we find a very rich range of sounds that express our innermost feelings. The exploration starts with the support and containment from the womb’s sound, and moves on, from anger to joy, from pain to pleasure, welcoming any emotion that wants to be expressed.

The great variety of sound vibrations in the 2nd chakra bring strength, aliveness, playfulness and depth to the singing voice, which is supported by the containment of the womb’s sound.

3rd CHAKRA – The power of being

In the solar plexus we explore sounds that bring power and expansion to the singing voice. We work in depth with the diaphragm and its role on expanding our breathing capacity and on modulating the volume of our voice.

The 3rd Chakra is also about self-worth, charisma, joyfulness, and our right to take space, show ourselves and shine.

4th CHAKRA – The wisdom of the Heart

At the Heart Center we enter a delicate and powerful space where the sound becomes a balsam, caressing and opening to all there is without judgments. This is a space of wonder, love, compassion and gentleness. The sound vibration of the heart brings a velvet and round quality to the singing voice.

5th CHAKRA – Freedom of Expression

Here the sound goes to an even higher vibration that can open the voice for expressing transcendental experiences.

The throat is as well the vehicle for expressing creatively the energy and sound dimensions of all the lower and upper chakras, therefore is a channel through which we can express the unique qualities of our being.

We explore and play with the many possibilities of our human voice in its infinite qualities of sound and energy, with the intention to express our unique self and enter spaces of silence and stillness.

Welcome to a deep and playful journey into your Self!

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The voice is one of the most powerful instruments of human expression.

A singing voice is a spontaneous, primal and direct way of expressing our inner reality. We are all born with a natural mechanism by which we can react directly to the way we feel life. It is the ability to make sounds and the ability to express our inner world and our needs with our voice. This is the beginning of our singing ability.

Since an embryo, inside the mother’s womb, we are very sensitive to sound vibrations. We are all born with a natural mechanism through which we can respond directly to the way we sense life: The possibility to make sounds and the ability to express our inner world and our needs through our voice. That is the beginning of our ability to sing.

We humans are expressive beings, and we came into life to contribute with something unique that comes from our inner world and our essence. Our natural abilities start waking up when we learn to listen to what is happening inside of us, give it space, and allow it to be communicated to the outside world.

Many of us have been painfully repressed in our natural gift of expressing ourselves through our voice. We had to keep everything inside or learned to bring it out in distorted and confused ways. The body had to create patterns – tensions and holdings - to keep things that couldn’t be expressed in some kind of order.

In OPEN VOICE we create spaces in the body through breathing, movements, and special techniques that opens the great variety of sounds that are calling from inside to be expressed - at the same time we use the sound vibration of our voice to open our body and our energy. These vibrations function like a balsam, as an inner massage into our tissues, muscles, joints, and cells.

In this journey, the ability to listen is as important as the ability to express. We practice listening to the sound vibration of our own voice, and the way it travels inside our body. We start sensing and perceiving with more clarity the areas in our body and mind that are open, as well as the areas that are contracted and holding life energy.

When we listen, and bring loving awareness to these inner spaces, new sounds and qualities are liberated, bringing openness, new colours and expansion to our singing and speaking voice.

In OPEN VOICE we create our own songs spontaneously, moment to moment, and part of the work is to develop a new, spontaneous language that can translate immediately and directly our inner experiences into sound vibrations.

When you go through this experience you will connect with the great variety of sounds, inspiration and creative possibilities that you have inside. You will discover a deeper connection with your body, your breath and the immensity of your inner world.

This work is for everyone who has a voice and the longing to explore it. You don’t have to have a “special” voice or “talent” for singing. This method proves that expressing oneself through singing is everyone’s birthright.

If you are a professional singer, a shamanic practitioner, if you use your voice in your work, if you simply enjoy singing for yourself or believe you cannot sing, this method will open
a completely new world for you.

In Open Voice, we create our own songs spontaneously, at the moment, and part of the job is to develop a new, spontaneous language that allows us to immediately and directly translate our inner experiences into sound vibrations.

As you go through this experience, you will be connected to the great variety of sounds, inspiration, and creative possibilities that you have within you. You will discover a deeper connection with your body, breath and the vastness of your inner world.

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is professional training that is happening in 6 modules within two years.

The training is suited for all interested participants, but also for: therapists, group leaders, teachers, shamanic practitioners, singers, actors, life coaches, musicians, and anyone that has a voice and the longing to explore their inner and outer world through this amazing vehicle. You don't need any musical or vocal preparation beforehand!

During the training, you will go through a deeply personal exploration with your voice. The voice is going to be your vehicle for entering the many dimensions of your being, that goes from the deepest sound of your ancestral and physical experiences to the highest frequencies of your mind and subtle experiences. You are going to meet and re-connect the infinite richness of sound vibrations within yourself and express the uniqueness of your soul through spontaneous singing.

Throughout the training, you will practice accompanying someone through their singing voice’s journey. You will learn to attune with and read someone’s voice, the correlation of their voice with body posture, body energy, emotional, mental and spiritual states, and the ways to support the natural unfolding of everyone’s unique voice and energy. And, at the same time, we will practice attunement with the frequency of the group and groups of people, through the process of resonance.

The pre-requisite to participate in the training is to have been in an Open Voice workshop or any other intense training with Komala.


Nourishing the Vessel of Our Body (1st Chakra)

In this first module, we will explore and expand the vessel of our body, which encompasses the physical structure and the energy that moves through the body. We will create a base and a container, as a resource from where we can allow our emotions to flow and our story to unfold, creating space for the richness of vibrations that we explore in the further modules.  When we work with the base we connect the base of our spine, legs, feet, our roots, our tissues and bones, and our ancestry, which are doorways to enter our lowest sound vibrations. We enter the depth of the earth as one of our oldest ancestors to re-connect our sense of strength, vitality, and to receive her nourishment and reconnect our basic, instinctual energy.

The qualities of the first Chakra sounds give stability and embodiment to the sound and the singing.


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Module 2

Reconnecting our Feelings & creating a new language (2nd Chakra)

Here we find a very rich range of sounds that express our innermost feelings. The exploration starts with the support and containment from the womb’s sound, which is a continuum from the base. And, we move on expressing the energy, frequencies, and sounds coming from our deep feelings and strong emotions. We will explore the great variety of sounds and the dimensions of anger, joy, pain, and pleasure, welcoming all the emotions that are ready to be felt and expressed. The great variety of sound vibrations in the 2nd body bring strength, aliveness, playfulness, and depth to the singing voice, which is supported by the containment of the womb’s sound.

Module 3

The Power of Being  / The Power of the Heart  (3rd & 4th Chakras)

The 3rd Chakra is about individuation, self-worth, charisma, joyfulness, and our right to take space, show ourselves, and shine.

In the solar plexus, we explore sounds that bring power and expansion to the singing voice. We work in-depth with the diaphragm and its role in expanding our breathing capacity and on modulating the volume of our voice. Here we start exploring the connection and the movement between our inner and outer world, between sound and silence.

At the Heart Center we enter a delicate and powerful space where the sound becomes a balsam, caressing and opening to all there is without judgments. This is a space of wonder, love, compassion, and gentleness. At the heart center, we keep practicing attunement to ourselves and move deeper into feeling and tunning in with another, and to the world around us.

The sound vibration of the heart brings a velvet and round quality to the singing voice.

Module 4

Freedom of Expression (5th Chakra)

Here the sound goes to a higher vibration that can open the voice for expressing transcendental experiences. The throat is the vehicle for expressing creatively the energy and sound dimensions of all the lower and upper chakras, therefore it is a channel through which we can express the unique qualities of our being. In this module we work with the beliefs and hindrances that we meet in the previous chakras and use the energies we find to move our self-expression to a higher level of exploration.

Module 5

Awareness, Intuition and the Subtle Bodies (6th Chakra)

Awareness and presence are fundamental practices throughout all the modules, and now we meet its frequency at a deeper level.

We activate the 3rd eye to meet the even higher frequencies related to different states of our mind. This is a pathway to meet our inner guide and intuition.

In the 6th Chakra, we can reach high frequencies and quality of sounds that can become portals for our connection with our soul, and with divinity.

In this module, we will create space for whatever is open in our inner and outer world and use the many elements, that we have available, for expressing through a spontaneous singing modality. We will move deeper into listening, exchanging sessions, and practicing with each other.

Module 6

Healing Sounds, Overtones & Completion

In this module, we will explore different modalities of healing sounds, using the singing voice and other instruments to apply different vibrations and frequencies to create space for healing and integration at the physical, energetic, emotional, and mental bodies.

This is the completion-module and the time for supervision of participants’ individual movement throughout the training and to look into the further application of their learning.


Szczegóły warsztatu


3 – 5 September 2021 (Friday – Sunday)


September 3rd    at 8 PM


September 5th    at 5 PM




  • 700 zł
  • 100 PLN for the participants of Komala’s workshops in Poland


  • Jacek Towalski, tel.: +48 602 219 382
  • Maja Wołosiewicz - Towalska, tel.: +48 606 994 366,
  • Biuro, tel.: +48 662 759 576
    e-mail: Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie w przeglądarce obsługi JavaScript.
  1. Please register by email at: Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie w przeglądarce obsługi JavaScript. (giving your first and last name, phone number, the name and date of the workshop);
  2. Only after receiving an email with confirmation of your accommodation choice, please send a payment.
  3. We kindly ask you to pay a deposit in a week from registration. No payment within 7 days will cancel the registration. Please do not pay deposit before receiving an email confirmation of the reservation of your place in the workshop!
  4. Paying the deposit to our Centre means you agree to the Centre Rules and Regulations, which you will receive by email upon registration.
  5. Please pay 240 PLN deposit to “Tu i Teraz” to the following account with description: "Komala 3-5.09.2021”.
  6. Refund will be available only within two weeks after a payment is registered into our account, but not later than two weeks prior to the event. In case of refund, the 20 PLN administration fee will be deducted from the deposit.  The deposit cannot be transferred to another workshop.


Tu i Teraz
92 1020 3541 0000 5502 0206 3410

IBAN: PL92 1020 3541 0000 5502 0206 3410 (konto w PLN)
IBAN: PL27 1020 3541 0000 5202 0364 3111 (konto w EUR)


Komala Sunder Amorim




Komala was born in Brazil and lived in India for twenty years working as a therapist at Osho International Meditation Resort. Now he lives in Austria and travels all over the world sharing her work. Many years of meditation practice, internal searches, as well as the ability to sing, combined with the exploration of the traditions of Zen, Sufism, Taoism, healing arts and modern sciences about the human mind and heart are the basis of her work.

Komala’s work with Open Voice has started to develop when she went to India 30 years ago to live and study at the Osho meditation and therapy center in Puna. There she met many musicians from all over the world and began experimenting with performing Brazilian music and exploring sounds in different ways. At that time, she worked with a great pianist Anuprada, who was involved with Gurdjieff music, and with her she started a unique exploration of music, sounds and the singing voice. What touched Komala in this work was the connection with the different nuances of the singing voice with silence, deep feelings and emotions, and its effect on the body and environment. She has also started studying and practising sound massage, using various instruments in combination with different voice frequencies, including overtone singing (with Michael Veter). She started offering workshops, on “Voice and Movement”, based on those teacheingas and her personal explorations of voice, sound, meditation and body awareness.

In 2001, she met Pratibha de Stoppani, the creator of Voicing © method - multi-dimensional method of voice work and spontaneous singing, based on the chakra system. Basing on the teachings of de Stoppani and personal experience, she created her own method - Open Voice.

Since 2001, she started offering voice workshops in India, at the Osho’s center and in other countries like Russia, China, Spain, Austria and the Czech Republic. For five years, she has been working mainly in Europe, where she offers various workshops and a six-modules professional training in Open Voice.

Komala is currently enrolled in a master’s study through Ubiquity University, in Germany, and the subject of the master's thesis is to observe the development process of her students from the Open Voice method – the method itself, the learning process and its application.

Komala is also a graduate of Artistic Education, she trained in trans-personal and meditation therapies, development techniques and body work: Hara Awareness Massage®; Cranio Sacral Balancing®, Somatic Experiencing® (Peter Levine), Voicing®, Die Before you Die; Awareness Intensive, Satori; Primal therapy and Sexual De-conditioning, Essence Work and Chakra Balancing.




© TuiTeraz.eu - Ośrodek rozwoju osobistego i duchowego "TU i TERAZ" w Nowym Kawkowie.


Nowe Kawkowo 52 A, gmina Jonkowo 11-042
woj. warmińsko- mazurskie


Biuro ośrodka: +48 662 759 576
Biuro ośrodka: +48 535 285 450
Jacek Towalski: +48 602 219 382
Maja Wołosiewicz-Towalska: +48 606 994 366



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