OŚRODEK TU I TERAZ / WARSZTATY / September 2023 / 30.09.23 - 01.10.23


Journeys Of Souls/Gateway Voyage Awakening And Exploration Of Expanded States Of Consciousness. Basic Workshop [ONLINE]
So, 30. wrzesień 2023 - N, 1. październik 2023
Linda Leblanc
September 2023



"I am more than just a physical body. I see what is beyond the reality of physical matter. Through my research, I want to contribute to the expansion of human consciousness by experiencing and gaining knowledge about areas beyond the consciousness of everyday life. I want to observe the process of connecting these realities and make one element of the other.  (R. Monroe)


"We invite to an amazing workshop all those who want to explore their Consciousness, expand the boundaries of the Unknown, embark on a Great Journey beyond the known, discover the Multidimensional Reality. As well as admirers of Robert Monroe and Bruce Moen's books, Astral/Non-Physical Travel, Out-of-Body Travel, OOBE/Out-of-Body Experiences and any Out-of-Body Experiences.

We also invite people who simply want to learn how to introduce into a state of deep relaxation

and inner harmony, self-healing, they want to deepen their intuition, free themselves from fears and limiting beliefs, discover their true potential and gain access to their own inner guidance.


During the workshop (translated live into Polish), participants will be put into the state of Synchronisation of the Brain Hemispheres thanks to the use of the latest Hemi-Sync® technology - audible in their headphones in their own homes. This will enable them to learn the unique and original methods of working with Consciousness created by Robert Monroe and explore Multidimensional Reality.


This basic workshop is an introduction to permanent cyclical cooperation with the Monroe Institute - learning more and more advanced topics, further Out-of-Body Travels, discovering unknown areas of Non-Physical Realities.


Already in November 2023, another meeting with teachers from the Monroe Institute will take place – an advanced stationary workshop in Warsaw led by Arkaitz Eskarmendi. To take part in it is necessary to participate in the basic workshop!


During this two-day professional workshop, thanks to Hemi-Sync® audio technologies, you will experience the exploration of your Consciousness. The program is based on Robert Monroe's acclaimed and iconic workshop "Gateway Voyage".

Easy-to-use audio technology will help you create states ranging from deep relaxation to expanded states of consciousness that allow self-healing, inspire decision-making, bring inner harmony and deepen intuition.

You will gain access to your own inner guidance, free yourself from fears and limiting beliefs, and delve into your inner potential.


During the workshop:


  • You will learn tools that allow you to quickly and easily access expanded states of consciousness whenever you want.
  • You will gain access to previously untapped intuition, healing potential and many other inner resources.
  • You will experience expanded states of consciousness, access to which generally requires many years of meditation practice.
  • You will learn how to put these tools into practice in everyday life, including improving sleep quality, making positive decisions and self-healing.


You will experience deep exploration of Consciousness and expanded states of Consciousness. You will be introduced to the first two powerful Levels of Consciousness Focuses:

Focus 10 - "body sleeping, mind awake", a state that introduces a feeling of deep relaxation. Using

With exercise, you will quickly and effortlessly experience a deep meditative state, which is usually only achieved after a few years of meditation practice.

Focus 12 - "state of expanded consciousness", in which you can connect with deep inner wisdom and deeper understanding, ask for guidance and messages. You will practice removing any physical disturbances so that you can perceive better in the "state of expanded consciousness". You will receive and understand the messages that await you in the farthest corners of your consciousness. You will learn advanced tools to explore, discover and access information and Guidance.


You will be able to easily and securely access and maintain these expanded states to learn more about who you really are, realize unused internal resources, and make positive changes in your daily life. You'll gain insight into important life issues, release fears and limiting beliefs, and benefit from physical and emotional healing. You will learn practical and effective techniques for accessing and using 'consciousness tools' in both extended and everyday waking states.


Some og the workshop participants will be able to establish communication with deceased loved ones, experience an out-of-body state (OBE), and other mystical experiences. And all participants experience a sense of greater self-determination, better sleep, deep meditation and relaxation, increased creativity and greater synchronization in everyday life.


This virtual online program, conducted and translated live, uses the Zoom platform, which allows you to participate from the comfort of your own home, from anywhere in the world. The workshop includes 8 audio exercises, 2 sessions and more than 20 comprehensive and practical "tools of awareness" (all translated into Polish).

Wired stereo on-ear headphones or high-quality earbuds recommended  with a cord long enough to reach the place where you will listen to the exercises. You will need a good internet connection, headphones and a desktop or laptop computer (with a camera and microphone). The use of iPads may not allow stereo reception and is not recommended.






The Monroe Institute, with headquarters in Virginia, USA, is a world leader in the study of human consciousness. It has also been recognized for years as a leading scientific, research and educational institution in the field of studies on expanding and exploring consciousness. The aim of the Institute is the global awakening of human consciousness. And his Mission Statement states: "We help people create lives full of meaning and joy by supporting them in exploring expanded consciousness."


The Institute was founded by Robert Monroe in the early seventies of the twentieth century, and today has its branches in 12 countries, conducts hundreds of stationary and online workshops every year, trains trainers around the world. It brings together people from all walks of life – nuclear physicists, doctors, lawyers, software engineers, computer scientists, inventors, psychologists, psychiatrists, teachers and spiritual leaders of various challenges.


The Institute offers various programs and workshops such as: Introduction to Beyond Meditation, Gateway Experience, Gateway Voyage, Awakening, Exploring Consciousness, OBE spectrum, Lucid dreaming, Energy Expansion, Exploration Focus 27, Starlines and many others.


Thanks to the special Hemi-Sync® audio technology invented by Robert Monroe, workshop participants can discover and explore non-physical aspects of their higher consciousness. They awaken their Consciousness to be able to see themselves and others anew, with greater compassion. They discover who they are and why they are here. . www.monroeinstitute.org



Robert Monroe - American explorer and businessman, pioneer of research on human consciousness, founder of The Monroe Institute (TMI), author of bestselling books - "Travels outside the body", "Long journeys" and "The Farthest Journey". Born in 1915, after graduating in English, he worked as a producer and director for radio stations. He owned his own radio station, and in 1956 his company set up a research unit to study the effects of various sound patterns on human consciousness. And also to accelerate thought processes, improve the effectiveness of learning and memory, including during sleep.

Monroe was a rationalist and often did research on himself, but what happened to him in 1958 changed his view of the world. He experienced his first out-of-body experiences. The fear he felt at first turned over time into curiosity, which pushed him to further explore this different and unknown world.

Over the next 20 years, Monroe continued to explore and explore other dimensions and realities. At the same time, he taught other practical methods of using extended, altered states of consciousness. He founded his own research centre – the Monroe Institute, where he developed, among other things, a set of recordings enabling the synchronization of brain waves of both hemispheres, and thus achieving states of expanded consciousness (e.g. OBE). He devoted his whole life to the exploration of mysteries that are not accessible to ordinary knowledge.

During his wanderings in the non-physical worlds, he discovered what happens when a person dies, what life after death or "life after life" looks like, he got to know and named the next Levels of Focus of Consciousness called by him Focuses.

He described the record of his discoveries and expeditions into non-physical worlds in the groundbreaking – and already cult – book "Travels Outside the Body", published in 1971. Monroe died in 1995, and his legacy continues to affect millions of people around the world.



The Monroe Institute is known worldwide for its work in the field of the effects exerted by sound waves on human consciousness. Robert Monroe's earliest research found that specific patterns and sound waves have a huge impact on human brain waves. The patent for this discovery was granted to Robert Monroe in 1975.

He used a system consisting in sending two tones to each ear in turn, slightly different in frequency. The brain then tries to combine these two tones to produce a third, which sounds like a single, pulsating sound. Thanks to the fact that separate signals are sent to both ears using headphones, both cerebral hemispheres work simultaneously and "hear" the third signal - the difference between these two sound impulses. The third signal is not really a sound, but an electrical signal.

This pulsating sound creates a phenomenon in the listener's brain waves known as "brain wave synchronization." A state in which the listener's brain waves synchronize with a pulsating frequency, creating a corresponding change in consciousness. For example, a 5Hz differential rumbling will increase Theta brain wave production, inducing a meditative state of consciousness. This phenomenon is actually nothing new, as many cultures around the world have used drumming, singing, and resonance for thousands of years to induce states of meditation and altered states of consciousness during shamanic rituals.

The unique, consistent state of the brain that occurs due to these sounds is known as the synchronization of the cerebral hemispheres (hemispheric synchronization), i.e. 'Hemi-Sync'. In this balanced state, both hemispheres, perceiving the world in two different ways, having different possibilities of analysis, cooperate with each other in a creative way. And it is in this state of equilibrium that the New Cognition appears.

Based on this technology, the Monroe Institute's research team conducted an extensive electroencephalograph (EEG) study, subjecting thousands of people to various sound patterns responsible for expanding states of consciousness. Once the research was confirmed, sound meditation exercises were created that evoked the same brainwave frequencies and states of expanded, different consciousness. Complex combinations of acoustic signals were used. Then, the specific altered states of focus of consciousness evoked in this way were given names, e.g. Focus 15 - a state of consciousness in which linear time is not experienced. This technique has been patented as Hemi-Sync®.



Level names and numbers are completely arbitrary and serve only to identify the state of consciousness in individual phases. They do not describe any of these states as better or worse.

Focus C1: The level of ordinary awareness of the physical world. The level of reality of the physical world in which we live every day.

Focus 10 (Mind Awakened/Dormant): A state of consciousness in which the physical body is asleep but the mind is awake and ready to act. In this state, you can reduce tensions, heal, see at a distance and learn new methods of obtaining information.

Focus 12 (Expanded Consciousness): This is a state in which the conscious self goes beyond the confines of the physical body. Decision making, problem solving, creative expression. And also discovering non-physical realities.

Focus 15 (No Time): It is a level of consciousness that opens the pathways of the mind to discover itself beyond the limitations of time and space.

Focus 21 (Systems of Different Energies): Ability to Explore Other Systems of Reality and energies beyond what we call time, space and matter.

Focus 22: A state of human consciousness in which people are still physically alive and have only partial consciousness – people in a state of dementia, coma, anesthesia, alcohol or drug addiction.

Focus 23: The level inhabited by those who have recently left physical existence, but have not been able to recognize and accept this state of affairs, or to free themselves from the limitations of the Earth Life System. They often feel lost and don't know where they are, or even realize they're dead.

Focus 24:25, 26: These are the Belief Systems Territories inhabited by people who have no physical form, but come from all historical periods and places on the globe. Who adopted and professed various beliefs – philosophical and religious, proclaiming some form of "post-physical" existence.

Focus 27: Reception Center called Park. It is a world created by human minds. A stopover to reduce the shock of leaving physical reality after death. It takes the shape of various places on Earth that are the easiest to accept for newcomers.

Focus 34/35: The level of consciousness beyond human consciousness, called the Assembly – this is where Intelligences belonging to other areas of the universe gather and here contact with them is possible.





Workshop Details 


  • 30th  September – 1st October 2023 (Saturday-Sunday)


  • 1400 zł
  • 1200 PLN when advance payment is made until August 15, 2023


  • Jacek Towalski, tel.: +48 602 219 382
  • Maja Wołosiewicz - Towalska, tel.: +48 606 994 366,
  • Office, tel.: +48 662 759 576
    e-mail: Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie w przeglądarce obsługi JavaScript.
  1. Please register by email at: Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie w przeglądarce obsługi JavaScript. (giving your first and last name, phone number, the name and date of the workshop);
  2. Only after receiving an email with confirmation of your accommodation choice, please send a payment.
  3. We kindly ask you to pay a deposit in a week from registration. No payment within 7 days will cancel the registration. Please do not pay deposit before receiving an email confirmation of the reservation of your place in the workshop!
  4. Paying the deposit to our Centre means you agree to the Centre Rules and Regulations, which you will receive by email upon registration.
  5. Please pay 280 PLN deposit to “Tu i Teraz” to the following account with description: "Name, Surname, 30.09-1.10.2023”.
  6. Refund will be available not later than 30 days prior to the event. In case of refund, the 20 PLN administration fee will be deducted from the deposit. The deposit cannot be transferred to another workshop
  7. Remaining payment for the workshop should be paid till 31.08.2023 to the account of Tu I Teraz Centre.


Tu i Teraz

92 1020 3541 0000 5502 0206 3410

IBAN: PL92 1020 3541 0000 5502 0206 3410 (account in PLN)
IBAN: PL27 1020 3541 0000 5202 0364 3111 (account in EUR)


Linda Leblanc


linda leblanc

Linda Leblanc

Trener Monroe Institute od 2000, członkini Professional Division. Prowadzi warsztaty on line Monroe Institute ze swojej bazy na Cyprze oraz stacjonarne w Instytucie w Wirginii w USA i na całym świecie.

Jest Kanadyjką i naturalizowaną Cypryjką, mieszkającą na Cyprze od 1989 roku. Pracowała dla Organizacji Narodów Zjednoczonych w Szwajcarii. Stosując swoje doświadczenia, wiedzę i umiejętności w eksploracji świadomości, łączy dwa bardzo różne światy, społeczno-polityczny i humanistyczny.

Jest badaczką, mówczynią i pisarką. Współautorką książki i zestawu kart „Karty reinkarnacji - Przebudzenie dalekiej pamięci”, który łączy starożytną mądrość i metafizykę kwantową, aby przywołać przebłyski innych wcieleń. www.monroeinstitute.org


© TuiTeraz.eu - Ośrodek rozwoju osobistego i duchowego "TU i TERAZ" w Nowym Kawkowie.


Nowe Kawkowo 52 A, gmina Jonkowo 11-042
woj. warmińsko- mazurskie


Biuro ośrodka: +48 662 759 576
Biuro ośrodka: +48 535 285 450
Jacek Towalski: +48 602 219 382
Maja Wołosiewicz-Towalska: +48 606 994 366



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