OŚRODEK TU I TERAZ / WARSZTATY / September 2018 / 11.09.18 - 16.09.18


Fullness Of Femininity Transformation & Healing - Module I: The Sacred Feminine Temple and the Divine Mother, (Nowe Kawkowo)
Wt, 11. wrzesień 2018 - N, 16. wrzesień 2018
Komala Sunder Amorim
September 2018



Do you want to experience more relaxation, love and self-acceptance?
Do you want to get to know, feel and respect your body and your sexual energy?
Do you wish to have deeper, loving and creative relationships with people in your life? lover, spouse, friends, colleagues, etc.
Do you want to open and express your sensuality and aliveness, opening up for your inner and outer beauty?
Do you want to bring the fullness of your feminine creative energy into the world?

Fulness of Femininity is a series of  workshops for modern women that wish to take time and space to connect the essence of her heart, to open her natural sensuality and femininity, and to bring it back into her daily life.

In this retreats women come together to create a loving, safe and sacred space for healing, to support each other to enter into deeper intimacy with themselves, with life and with the principle of creation. This is an invitation to return back home – to our body, to our feelings, and to our soul.

You will get in touch and learn how to take care of you needs and longing as a woman, creating space for your natural feminine wisdom and capacity to relate and deal with challenging situations in your daily life - intimate and sexual relationships, marriage, family, friendship, work, creativity, spiritual connection, etc.

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The program “Fullness of Femininity” happens in 4 modules where we explore different themes.  Each module is complete in itself and can be attended separately in any sequence. Whenever you complete the whole cycle you will receive a certificate.

At the end of each module you will receive a manual with reminders and practices to continue your movement in your daily life.

  • MODULE 1 – The Sacred Feminine Temple and the Divine Mother (11-16.IX.2018)
  • MODULE 2 – The Dance of the Feminine and Masculine (Spring 2019)
  • MODULE 3 - The Feminine Shadow and the Transformative Power of the Dark  Goddesses (Autumn 2019)
  • MODULE 4 – The Ecstatic, Sexual and Creative Feminine

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In the „Fullness of Femininity“ cycle we will:

  • Explore our sensual and sexual energy as our creative and instinctual nature.
  • Bring Healing through the layers of shame, guilt and disconnection that we carry in our bodies and emotional system.
  • Invoke the love and wisdom of the “Divine Mother” archetype, to guide us through the rich, powerful and challenging universe of our sexual energy.
  • Invoke the alive, loving, and wise presence of the Tantric Goddesses, to guides us to different levels of spiritual connection with our feminine nature.
  • With love, awareness, gentleness and curiosity we will meet the shadow aspects of our sexual energy and of being a woman in our complex modern world.
  • Bring awareness and light to the connection with our parents and ancestors and the way they influenced and programmed our unconscious patterns and beliefs about being a woman.
  • Experience the dynamic dance between our feminine and masculine energies, opening the space to heal our connection with men and the masculine world, and to create loving and fulfilling intimate relationships.

We will call the power, love  and healing qualities in every woman’s womb and heart, bringing fresh aliveness to our bodies and opening to the richness of our emotional energy.

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It is my passion to lead women into coming together to create a feminine energetic field that holds, supports and nourishes each other, so that every woman can relax and move into deeper connection with herself, with other women and with men in their lives.

In our sacred space you can bring all your questions, doubts, experiences, competences and understandings, and together we create a loving and wise circle that function as a healing force, a therapeutic support and a channel for new understandings and for integration of your inner work into your daily life.

This work comes from thirty years of deep self-exploration, scientific studies, and experience of leading women’s circles all over the world.  It is embedded in the newest discoveries of neuroscience, attachment theory, trauma healing, and the psychological and physiological understanding of sexual energy, and it is rooted and supported by the timeless dimension of meditation and spirituality.

We use the map of the chakra system, based on the tantric teachings of sacred sexuality, to guide us into the transformation of our instinctual and natural energy into an ever present life giving fountain of love and awareness.

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In this module we start creating our feminine temple, a sacred circle to connect with other women, to give and receive support and to enter in intimacy with our feminine qualities.

We support each other to open our bodies and our hearts and to create a safe and nourishing space where we can contact our fears, shame and all the conditionings that are on the way for our full aliveness, sensuousness and our natural capacity to love.

We work with the Mother’s Archetype, bringing awareness and healing light to the way we got influenced by our mothers and female ancestors the beliefs and conditionings about being a woman, about sexual energy and connection with the body, and about intimate relationships.

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In this module we will:

  • Create a feminine container (womb) that embodies the loving and caring qualities of the “Mother principle”.
  • Open the heart center and the womb, through dance, play and voicing.
  • Go through group dynamics, rituals and initiation in order to complete energies that may be still held in the body-mind system from the connection with our female ancestors.
  • Honor the connection with our roots as the source of life force, creating space to receive the gifts of essential feminine qualities from our female ancestors, opening our hearts to the “Divine Mother” and her unconditional love.
  • Learn the language of “felt sense” and how to listen to the body, through practice of awarenerss and attunment.
  • Learn to recognize through my body what I need, what I want and to communicate it to the world.
  • Work with loving and present touch. Practice giving and receiving.
  • Practice meditation and rituals to open the whole body through breath, sounds and movement.
  • Invoke the qualities of love, compassion, abundance, and beauty from the Hindu Goddess Lakshmi.
  • Recognize, experience and build inner and outer resources.

We will clear the way for a deeper intimacy with ourselves and for the full right to live and express our creative and sexual energy in our unique way.

Details of the workshop


11 - 16 September 2018 (Tuesday - Saturday)

WE BEGIN 11.09, at 6 PM (Dinner)
WE END 16.09, at 2 PM (Lunch)

Here and Now” Personal and Spiritual Development Center in Nowe Kawkowo


  • 1250 PLN + food & accommodation
  • 1100 PLN + food & accommodation for the participants of VI Tantra Festival and the participants of the workshops with Komala in Poland in 2018
  • Food 88 PLN / day (3 vegetarian meals)
  • Accommodation depending on standard: From 33 PLN - 124 PLN / night;
  • Only full board packages are available.


  • Jacek Towalski, mobile phone: +48 602 219 382
  • Maja Wołosiewicz - Towalska, mobile phone: +48 606 994 366,
  • Office, mobile phone: +48 662 759 576
    e-mail: Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie w przeglądarce obsługi JavaScript.


  • Number of participants is limited – the deposit payment order will grant you spot on the workshop!
  • The Deposit is not refundable 2 weeks before the start of the workshop.
  1. Please register by email at: Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie w przeglądarce obsługi JavaScript. (giving your first and last name, phone number, the name and date of the workshop).
  2. Only after receiving an email with confirmation of your accommodation choice, please send a payment.
  3. We kindly ask you to pay a deposit in a week from registration. No payment within 7 days will cancel the registration. Please do not pay deposit before receiving an email confirmation of the reservation of your place in the workshop!
  4. Paying the deposit to our Centre means you agree to the Center rules and regulations, which you will receive by email upon registration.
  5. Please pay 250 PLN deposit to “Tu i Teraz” to the following account with description: "Deposit for Lodging 11-16.IX.2018”.


Tu i Teraz

92 1020 3541 0000 5502 0206 3410
IBAN: PL92 1020 3541 0000 5502 0206 3410

Refund will be available only within two weeks after a payment is made!

In case of refund, the 20 PLN handling fee will be deducted from the deposit.
The deposit can not be transferred to another workshop.


Komala Sunder Amorim


komala sunder amorim

Komala Amorim Sunder

Komala is born in Brazil and lived for twenty years in India, working as a therapist and facilitator at the Osho International Meditation Resort. Now she lives in Austria and travels around the world sharing her work.

Many years of meditation practice, self- inquiry and singing skills, combined with the exploration of the traditions of Tantra, Zen, Sufism, Taoism, Healing Arts and contemporary teachings about the human mind and heart is the base of her work.

Komala is graduated in Art Education and has training in trans-personal and meditative therapies, self-development techniques and body-work as: Hara Awareness Massage®; Cranio Sacral Balancing®, Somatic Experiencing® (Peter Levine), Voicing®, Die Before you Die; Awareness Intensive, Satori; Primal therapy and Sexual De-conditioning, Essence Work and Chakra Balancing, Tai-Chi and Chi-Kung.

Komala has developed various courses for women and a seven months training "The Awakened Feminine". Together with her Partner Khushru Gregor Steinmaurer, they created the course "Sexuality, Love and Relationship", the "Loving Relationship for couples" retreat, and the two years chakra training, the "Training for Life".

Her work has been influenced by teachings on Sexuality and male-female polarity from David Deida; Conscious Living and Dying from Stephen Levine; Voice Dialogue from Hal and Sidra Stone; Transparent Communication from Thomas Hübl.

"Living in the Path of Love and Awareness is the best way I can define my spiritual journey and the flavor of my work. The journey started very early, with a heart aching to find truth and understand about life and love. This longing brought me to India and to the spiritual master Osho.

Living at the Osho meditation resort has been a great opportunity to learn about myself, about life and to go deep into the teachings on awareness and meditation. For many years I've been part of the 'School for Centering and Zen Martial Arts', where I start learning therapeutic skills and group leading. In that school I also found the fierce monk in me who loves to go inside and contemplate.

The deeper I went inside myself more interested I became in the mysteries of life; the magic of the body and the energy that is in constant movement inside, around and beyond my body. The path of awareness takes me to the path of love, when I received the transmission for the Sufi work "Die Before You Die", a group process that carries the essence of these two paths. Contemplating death through the Sufi path has been my greatest teacher about life, love and meditation.

The next life transforming learning has been the Hara Awareness Massage® process, that combines a magic feminine flow with presence and grounding. Through this work I have been diving deep into my belly, my emotions and my womanhood, and have been learning to communicate with someone's body and being through touch, bringing me in contact with the strength of my feminine nature.

Through working deeply with the "Who is in? - Awareness Intensive", a self inquiring method, and a key work in my path, I start experiencing the interesting polarized way that life manifests - that everything in the universe is a swing between male and female, positive and negative, being alone and being together, night and day, life and death. This exploration fascinates me, for being such a juicy theme and so close to the reality of everyone in everyday life. From here the work with sexuality and conscious relationship developed, by investigating life issues as ways to come in touch with our innermost being.

My own inner process and the learning of different techniques brought me to the understanding that all the methods bring me to myself, when the longing is deep and the search is sincere. This passion I have been sharing through the work in groups around the world, and those meetings have been my most precious teachings. When human beings come together with the intention to discover their inner reality and to expand their lives magic happens, and everyone that is part of it grows.

I thank everyone that has been part of my journey and I invite you to join the dance and share the depth and joys of living in the path of Love and Awareness"



© TuiTeraz.eu - Ośrodek rozwoju osobistego i duchowego "TU i TERAZ" w Nowym Kawkowie.


Nowe Kawkowo 52 A, gmina Jonkowo 11-042
woj. warmińsko- mazurskie


Biuro ośrodka: +48 662 759 576
Biuro ośrodka: +48 535 285 450
Jacek Towalski: +48 602 219 382
Maja Wołosiewicz-Towalska: +48 606 994 366



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