OŚRODEK TU I TERAZ / WARSZTATY / July 2021 / 18.07.21 - 25.07.21


Shamanic Journey. Discovering Shamanic Rituals. From Indigenous Shamanism, Through Ancient Secret Schools To Contemporary Shamanism And Ritualism, (Nowe Kawkowo)
N, 18. lipiec 2021 - N, 25. lipiec 2021
Anand Rudra
July 2021


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We invite you to the unique workshop where we will be able to learn about various types of shamanism and Secret Schools from all around the world! We will learn about ancient methods and techniques of Tibetan shamanism, native North American Indians, valuable passages from Hinduism and secret ceremonies from Mexico.

We will enter the Shamanic journeys with a shamanic drum. We will discover visions and New Realities. We will learn about the Rituals of Transition. We will communicate with the Spirits of Nature, the Four Elements and the Elementals. We will learn the Lucid Dreaming rituals and learn to guide consciousness in dream and vision states. We will experience what the Mexican Sweat Lodge / Temazcal is. We will learn the techniques of divination, i.e. Future Prediction. We will learn the art of reading from Shadow and Light 

The workshop is led by a great expert on shamanism, Anand Rudra - son of a Mexican shaman, grandson of a shaman / healer of Mexican Yaqui Indians. His knowledge combines practical experience, ancient practices and academic knowledge.


The fee for the workshop is a participant's donation, but not less than 500 PLN !!

Shamanism is the oldest spiritual tradition on Earth, a path of direct revelation that is indigenous to many regions of the world, and wide-ranging in cultural expression. In some parts of the world, shamanic practices are closely tied with honouring the spirits of the Earth, seasons, and elements. In other places, shamanism can appear like an organized religion, with codes of conduct, belief in higher powers, and a complex pantheon of deities who are worshiped through elaborate rituals.

Throughout the ages, as the ancient and indigenous cultures were colonized, the teachings for an enlightened and empowered life had to be kept hidden to preserve the teachings’ powerful wisdom.

Without this ancient wisdom, much of the world fell prey to strife and confusion. For over a hundred years, necessity has caused the Mystery Schools to emerge, releasing the teachings once again to the public. Today, there are many mystery schools that exist in plain sight. There are Egyptian, Buddhist, Mexica, Hindu, and even Christian mystery schools.

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Shamanism is one of the oldest spiritual and healing traditions of mankind on the entire planet. Its roots go back to the origins of humanity and underlie every known culture. It is not philosophy or religion, but practical techniques, methods and beliefs based on the ability to use the laws of Nature and the Cosmos.

The word shaman means "he who knows", comes from the root sa - "know" and comes from the Evenki language of the Eastern Siberian. But a shaman is also "the one who searches in the dark." Shamans are healers, priests, visionaries in communication with the world of gods and spirits. They are the predecessors of modern doctors, psychotherapists, psychiatrists and ecologists.

Common in shamanic traditions is the belief in the existence of spirits and the spiritual world from which knowledge, power and healing come, as well as the belief that everything that exists has a soul or spirit. The basic premise of shamanism is the existence of the spirit world, and a shaman is a person who can enter this world and cooperate with invisible powers. For centuries, shamans have been dealing with maintaining harmony between the real and the spiritual world, between man and nature, they heal, read the future, mediate relationships between people and spirits. They are a bridge between the earthly world and the invisible one, they mediate between the world of spirits and the everyday life of ordinary people.


The most important shamanic practice is the "shamanic magical journey" into the spirit world, going from one cosmic region to another. During such a journey, the shaman can heal, summons the Force, searches for lost souls, and brings the souls of the dead to their resting place.

Shamans travel to the spiritual worlds to ask for help and healing for people. They achieve this by entering altered states of consciousness, trance and ecstatic states. The shaman enters the trance most often through rhythmic drumming (drums, rattles), monotonous singing.

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The first known textual description of lucid dreaming dates to before 1000 BCE from the Upanishads, the Hindu oral tradition of spiritual lessons, philosophy and proverbs. The Vigyan Bhairav Tantra is another ancient Hindu tract that describe show best to direct consciousness within the dream and vision states of sleep. In the early centuries, Indian influence spread to the mountainous region of Tibet, where the animistic tradition of Bonpo maintains that lucid dreaming has been used in their meditations for over 12000 years.


  • NIAZA Lucid Dreaming by Music (Hinduism)
  • Drumming Ceremony & Method (Tibetan & Native American Methods )
  • Breathwork Ceremony & Method


The desire to know the future, to seek answers to questions both spoken and those left unsaid, is a deep-seated human instinct. In evolutionary terms, its origins may lie in the quest for survival itself, in the need to be healed, and in the necessity of effectively fulfilling the social and economic obligations of life such as the planting of fields and harvesting and so on. The human propensity to look into the future, and to try to see what it holds in store for us, might be one of the many psychological features that distinguish humans from other animals.


  • The Smoked Mirrow Ceremony & Method (Mexican Ritual) the art of readingthe Shadow & the Light
  • Blah & The Tibetan Pulsing Ceremony & Method (Tibetan Method tointerpret the Life´s Journey)

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EGYPTIAN SHAMANISM (The Vessels & Perfume Maceration)


  • Red Vessels ceremony & the Craft of the content (Ceremony & the Method )
  • Perfume (The Vibration, the intention , the maceration ) Method &Ceremony 


In almost all the cultures across the world the sweat lodge or the bath house has been arite to connect, to heal, to transform, or a rite of passage. For our experience we will frame it within the ancient nahualt tradition of human destiny rite on the Temazcal. Temazcal Tetl=stone, Mazitli=hot; Calli=house.

The destiny circle is a passage of rite to connect us to the micro-cosmos of the Temazcal, become the temazcal cosmogony to connect to the macro- cosmos. This rite awakes the divine memory of you as a son or daughter of mother earth Tlazolteotl and father universe tehuatl. And this where Tantra comes alive in this tradition, El Atlachino lliconvoca a Ometeotl for the union of the contraries that will come together within the womb of mother earth and the shraman to provide the rite. The tonal (life force energy) will be called by the copal and the offerings to the 4 corners. And we will be appointed with responsibilities within this rite besides our own process. You will become part of the circle, part of the supranatura.

We will be experiencing from this point on five stages and 4 doors or Caltens to encounter with the written destiny of each one of us. In each Caltec we will encounter with 4 elementals of the SupraNatura. Each one will give us information to burn out what we do not need or things that we want to transform from all the set time line of our beings in this cosmos.

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Details of the workshop


18-25 of July 2021 (Sunday-Sunday)


July 18th  at 6 p.m. (with dinner at 6 p.m. on Sunday)


July 25th  at 2 p.m. (with lunch at 2 p.m. on Sunday)

VENUE: ”Here and Now” Personal and Spiritual Development Center in Nowe Kawkowo


  • The fee for the workshop is a participant's donation, but not  less than 500 PLN!! +  Food & Accommodation
  • Food 88 PLN / day (3 vegetarian meals)
  • Accommodation depending on standard: From 33 PLN - 124 PLN / night;
  • Only full board packages are available.


  • Jacek Towalski, mobile phone: +48 602 219 382
  • Maja Wołosiewicz - Towalska, mobile phone: +48 606 994 366,
  • Office, mobile phone: +48 662 759 576
    e-mail: Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie w przeglądarce obsługi JavaScript.
  1. Please register by email at: Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie w przeglądarce obsługi JavaScript. (giving your first and last name, phone number, the name and date of the workshop).
  2. Only after receiving an email with confirmation of your accommodation choice, please send a payment.
  3. We kindly ask you to pay a deposit in a week from registration. No payment within 7 days will cancel the registration. Please do not pay deposit before receiving an email confirmation of the reservation of your place in the workshop!
  4. Paying the deposit to our Centre means you agree to the Center rules and regulations, which you will receive by email upon registration.
  5. Please pay 200 PLN deposit to “Tu i Teraz” to the following account with description: "Deposit for Lodging 18-25.07.2021”.
  6. Refund will be available only within two weeks after a payment is registered into our account, but not later than two weeks prior to the event. In case of refund, the 20 PLN administration fee will be deducted from the deposit. The deposit cannot be transferred to another workshop.


Tu i Teraz

92 1020 3541 0000 5502 0206 3410

IBAN: PL92 1020 3541 0000 5502 0206 3410 (account in PLN)
IBAN: PL27 1020 3541 0000 5202 0364 3111 (account in EUR)


Anand Rudra


 Anad Rudra

Anand Rudra

Dorastał w szamańskiej i meksykańskiej  ezoterycznej kulturze. Prowadzony był  przez ojca -meksykańskiego szamana i duchownego oraz przez babcię - uzdrowicielkę meksykańskich Indian Yaqui.

Od młodości interesował się światem duchowym i ezoterycznym. Studiował szamanizm, tantrę,  tarota, psychomagię, symbolikę, rytuały i świętą geometrię.

Jest prawnikiem ds. Stosunków międzynarodowych; posiada trzy tytuły magisterskie ze Studiów nad Ameryką Północną; Relacji Meksyk-USA; Prawa i ekonomii Unii Europejskiej, jak również doktorat w dziedzinie Bezpieczeństwa Unii Europejskiej. Przez ostatnie 15 lat mieszkał w Europie, gdzie poprowadził ponad 150 różnych warsztatów poświęconych Tantrze i Świętej Seksualności. Jest znanym specjalistą od męskiej świętej seksualności oraz członkiem Wydziału Connection Uniwersity w Holandii. Jest również certyfikowanym nauczycielem Yoga Alliance, YACEP i Systemu Szkoły Arhanta Yogi.

Jego doświadczenie życiowe obejmuje:

  • Symbolizm i rytualizm Ameryki Północnej
  • Badania nad wpływem rytuałów tantrycznych na współczesne społeczeństwo
  • Specjalizacja w ezoterycznych i hermeneutycznych studiach nad rytuałami Tantry i energii ciała
  • Głęboki trening medytacji Tantry
  • Synergetyczny masaż tantryczny, profesjonalne szkolenie
  • Techniki uzdrawiania praną
  • Jednoroczny stacjonarny kurs Tantry
  • Badania naukowe nad Tantrą prowadzone w Alegraluz i Bindu
  • Niezależny masażysta i terapeuta Tantry
  • Masażysta Tantry, terapeuta i przedsiębiorca w firmie Alegraluz International
  • Tantryk od ponad 8 lat; przez ostatnie 6 lat dyrektor 3 głównych projektów: Centrum w Bindu, Centrum w Kinnarze i TrueTantra
  • Dyrektor EATP (European Association of Tantra Professionals, Europejskiego Związku Profesjonalistów Tantry)
  • Opracował praktyki - zgodnie z tradycją świętych Ksiąg Agamy i Tantra Kaula Jogi:
    - Praktykę starożytnej Tantra Krija Jogi
    - Praktykę metodologii True Tantra



W swoim nauczaniu Anand Rudra łączy: 

  • Praktykę starożytnej Tantra Krija Jogi (zgodnie z tradycją świętych Ksiąg Agamy i Tantra Kaula Jogi)
  • Praktykę metodologii szkoły True Tantra
  • Tantryczny Szamanizm, symbolizm i rytualizm Ameryki Północnej
  • Teoria Rezonansu Tantryczno-Szamańskiego

True Tantra School

True Tantra opiera się na starożytnej metodzie nauczania, w której podstawę praktyki stanowią niezależne a jednocześnie uzupełniające się techniki. Kiedy uczysz się Tantry, musisz zrozumieć i doświadczyć wszystkich jej aspektów:

  • Starożytna Tantra Kriya Yoga; rytuały jako metoda poruszenia energii oraz medytacje (yantry i mantry);
  • Uświęcona Seksualność (Święte Połączenie i Święty Świadomy Dotyk);
  • Medytacja (wykorzystanie twojej intencji oraz podejścia bez medytacji);
  • Swahara Yoga (Nauka Pranayamy).

True Tantra stała się jedną z pierwszych instytucji Tantry w Hiszpanii i w Europie, która ustanowiła metodologię sesji Tantry. Cały ten profesjonalny wysiłek został podjęty w celu zbudowania grupy Nauczycieli Starożytnej Tantry Krija Jogi,  masażystów, terapeutów, i społeczności Tantryków. Każdy profesjonalista musi zdawać różne egzaminy ustne i praktyczne, oraz co roku odnawiać swoją wiedzę nie tylko po to, aby pokazać to, czego się nauczył, ale aby zdobyć więcej metod i zagłębić się jeszcze bardziej w praktykę Tantry. Każda z tych osób musi również spełniać wartości etyczne naszej szkoły True Tantra.

Strona internetowa: www.truetantra.eu


© TuiTeraz.eu - Ośrodek rozwoju osobistego i duchowego "TU i TERAZ" w Nowym Kawkowie.


Nowe Kawkowo 52 A, gmina Jonkowo 11-042
woj. warmińsko- mazurskie


Biuro ośrodka: +48 662 759 576
Biuro ośrodka: +48 535 285 450
Jacek Towalski: +48 602 219 382
Maja Wołosiewicz-Towalska: +48 606 994 366



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