OŚRODEK TU I TERAZ / WARSZTATY / May 2022 / 06.05.22 - 08.05.22


Awakening The Power Of The Tantric Shaman Disrupting The Path To Awake Intuition, (Warsaw)
Pt, 6. maj 2022 - N, 8. maj 2022
Anand Rudra
May 2022


budzenie mocy tantrycznego szamana 2020 01

Tantric Powers (Siddhis) and the Mexical Shadow work

This is an intensive and residential practicum & training. It is oriented to elevate the frequency two practices shamanism & tantra. Tantra & Shamanism work as a healing science & as a way to elevate consciousness. Both are based in 3 dimensions: the physical body; the astral body and the causal body. In our times, allopathic medicine is going back to the old wisdom of practices like Ayurveda, Yoga, Chinese Medicine, acupuncture, natural remedies between other ones. In some aspects, Science and Supra-Natura are becoming in the middle.

Tantric Shamanistic knowledge combines also both aspects of this middle point. Sacred Sexuality is one of the main aspects and tools that Tantric Shamanism uses to heal, to connect with the universe and develop the communication with the Supra-Conscious and the Supra-Natura. In this retreat we will explore the power, knowledge and experience of sexual energy, ritualism, and embodied shraman practices and where they can take us. The objective is to awake the Tantric Shaman on you in order that you experience but take the basic knowledge to do it afterwards.

budzenie mocy tantrycznego szamana 2020 02

Basic approach to be covered:

  • You will recognize and work the different tantric shamanic rituals and experiences with the purpose to elevate the frequency of yourself; and to awake your intuition as a basic tool to generate an inner supra-conscious awareness or to amplify the power of your Siddhis.
  • Experience the power of Ancient Tantra and its tools as a gate to heal and to create a bond with the your own higher-self, the supra-conscious and the Universes.
  • Re-visiting Shamanic roots of Mexican Shadow work in order to unify the self.
  • This Weekend will offer you a practicum spectrum for people that had already experience on both fields, that they are therapist, sexologist, tantricas, healers or masseurs.
  • We will discover how to create an altered state of mind and also how this experience bond the person to a healing manifested tool.

Shamanic-Tantric Rites:

  • Pranic Rite & the Primal Self.
  • The Divine presence of the humans on this universe & the Primal Methods.
  • The body & the senses as the gates to awake the Siddhis.
  • The life force, sexual energy and the mind; how to activate intuition.
  • Energy Multi-Orgasmia the gate to the ecstasy healing power.
  • “Transmutation of the Linage” Water Ceremony.
  • The death and the awkening .shadow of the primitive self…
  • Tantra Kriya Yoga & Cobra Breath as tools to awake intuition.
  • Cosmic Dialogue & the First & Second Chakra ( Shadow & Light )
  • Fire Ceremony

budzenie mocy tantrycznego szamana 2020 03


The training consists of 3 certifications, each with a large amount of credits to collect, as well as several practice courses (online and two-day) that can be counted as points. Each certification ends with an essay to be written or a practical task to be performed. The aim is to structure this training in a practical and scientific way.


T a n t r a & S h a m a n i s m, meeting at the root of all knowledge.

Tantra & Shamanism work as a healing science & as a way to elevate consciousness. Both are based in three dimensions: the physical body; the astral body and the causal body. In our times, allopathic medicine is going back to the old wisdom of practices like Ayurveda, Yoga, Chinese Medicine, acupuncture, natural remedies between other ones. In some aspects, Science and Supra-Natura are becoming in the middle.

Tantric Shamanistic knowledge combines also both aspects of this middle point. Sacred Sexuality is one of the main aspects and tools that Tantric Shamanism uses to heal, to connect with the universe and develop the communication with the Supra-Consious and the Supra-Natura.

In this retreat we will explore the power, knowledge and experience of sexual energy, ritualism, and embodied shraman practices and where they can take us. The objective is to awake the Tantric Shaman on you in order that you experience but take the basic knowledge to do it afterwards.

The entire training is circular, which means that you can start the selected module at any convenient time in order to expand your knowledge to the next levels.

Primal Shamanic Tantric Certification

A circular-hybrid master training

tantric shamanic 2021

Most of the times when you take a workshops, a training or a retreat sin which you are pursuing to go deep or to have a professional or vocational out result it does not accomplish what we are looking for.

Anand Rudra, he has being part of an academic arena but also a businessman and personal and political advisor. As part , of a reality in which you need to have serious studies that can give you a very solid base. He decided with the Be.Tantric team to put together a Certification that leads you to be a master of one of the basic areas of shamanism and tantra; the Primal Stages of both practices and sciences.

This training is circular meaning that you can take any of the courses with no previous had taken other one. You do not need to choose the levels. Since the planification is done by Credits or Units. The practitioner level, the apprentice and the Instructor levels are the 3 stages of this program.

If you have already taken courses with Anand in this field in can be compensated them. Each retreat or workshop has a load of curricular content, theory and practices. We tried to design the courses according the European Academic Bologna requirements . Each certification has requirements to have it, each event that you course with TrueTantra or Be.Tantric you get a proof of it (diploma).

If you are interested in the whole program ask us!!


tantric shamanic 2021 02


True Tantra follows an ancient school methodology in which five tools that are independent, but at the same time complementary to each other, are the base of this practice. When you learn Tantra, you need to see and practice all the aspects that help you to become a professional.

  • Swahara Yoga (Pranayama Science);
  • Meditation (Use of your mental intention and the no-meditation approach);
  • Ancient Tantra Kriya Yoga; the ritualistic methods of moving energy and meditating (yantras and mantras);
  • Sacred Sexuality (Sacred Union and Sacred Conscious Touch).

True Tantra had become one of the first Tantra institutions within Spain and part of Europe to give a real methodology to a Tantra Session. All those professional efforts have been made in order to build a group of Teachers of Ancient Tantra Kriya Yoga, Monitors of Ancient Tantra Kriya Yoga, masseurs, therapists, tantra monitors, and Tantrikas (Docents). Every professional has to pass different oral and practical examinations and renew their knowledge every year, not only to present what they have learned, but to acquire more methods and go deeper in the Tantra practice. Every person listed with us has the perfect knowledge of the guidelines, methods, ethical values and professionality that True Tantra has conformed to.

Website: www.truetantra.eu

Details of the workshop


6-8 of May 2022 (Friday-Sunday)


May 6th at 8 PM


May 8th   at 5 PM

VENUE: Warsaw
  • Accommodation & Food is not included in the price and is arranged by participants.
  • Due to the unstable economic situation in Poland, we reserve the right to raise the prices of accommodation, meals and workshops, based on exchange rates and official inflation rates in Poland.


  • 850 PLN


  • Jacek Towalski, mobile phone: +48 602 219 382
  • Maja Wołosiewicz - Towalska, mobile phone: +48 606 994 366,
  • Office, mobile phone: +48 662 759 576
    e-mail: Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie w przeglądarce obsługi JavaScript.
  1. Please register by email at: Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie w przeglądarce obsługi JavaScript. (giving your first and last name, phone number, the name and date of the workshop).
  2. Only after receiving an email with confirmation of your accommodation choice, please send a payment.
  3. We kindly ask you to pay a deposit in a week from registration. No payment within 7 days will cancel the registration. Please do not pay deposit before receiving an email confirmation of the reservation of your place in the workshop!
  4. Paying the deposit to our Centre means you agree to the Center rules and regulations, which you will receive by email upon registration.
  5. Please pay 200 PLN deposit to “Tu i Teraz” to the following account with description: "Deposit for Lodging 6-8.05.2022”.
  6. Refund will be available only within two weeks after a payment is registered into our account, but not later than two weeks prior to the event. In case of refund, the 20 PLN administration fee will be deducted from the deposit. The deposit cannot be transferred to another workshop.


Tu i Teraz

92 1020 3541 0000 5502 0206 3410

IBAN: PL92 1020 3541 0000 5502 0206 3410 (account in PLN)
IBAN: PL27 1020 3541 0000 5202 0364 3111 (account in EUR)


Anand Rudra


 Anad Rudra

Anand Rudra

Dorastał w szamańskiej i meksykańskiej  ezoterycznej kulturze. Prowadzony był  przez ojca -meksykańskiego szamana i duchownego oraz przez babcię - uzdrowicielkę meksykańskich Indian Yaqui.

Od młodości interesował się światem duchowym i ezoterycznym. Studiował szamanizm, tantrę,  tarota, psychomagię, symbolikę, rytuały i świętą geometrię.

Jest prawnikiem ds. Stosunków międzynarodowych; posiada trzy tytuły magisterskie ze Studiów nad Ameryką Północną; Relacji Meksyk-USA; Prawa i ekonomii Unii Europejskiej, jak również doktorat w dziedzinie Bezpieczeństwa Unii Europejskiej. Przez ostatnie 15 lat mieszkał w Europie, gdzie poprowadził ponad 150 różnych warsztatów poświęconych Tantrze i Świętej Seksualności. Jest znanym specjalistą od męskiej świętej seksualności oraz członkiem Wydziału Connection Uniwersity w Holandii. Jest również certyfikowanym nauczycielem Yoga Alliance, YACEP i Systemu Szkoły Arhanta Yogi.

Jego doświadczenie życiowe obejmuje:

  • Symbolizm i rytualizm Ameryki Północnej
  • Badania nad wpływem rytuałów tantrycznych na współczesne społeczeństwo
  • Specjalizacja w ezoterycznych i hermeneutycznych studiach nad rytuałami Tantry i energii ciała
  • Głęboki trening medytacji Tantry
  • Synergetyczny masaż tantryczny, profesjonalne szkolenie
  • Techniki uzdrawiania praną
  • Jednoroczny stacjonarny kurs Tantry
  • Badania naukowe nad Tantrą prowadzone w Alegraluz i Bindu
  • Niezależny masażysta i terapeuta Tantry
  • Masażysta Tantry, terapeuta i przedsiębiorca w firmie Alegraluz International
  • Tantryk od ponad 8 lat; przez ostatnie 6 lat dyrektor 3 głównych projektów: Centrum w Bindu, Centrum w Kinnarze i TrueTantra
  • Dyrektor EATP (European Association of Tantra Professionals, Europejskiego Związku Profesjonalistów Tantry)
  • Opracował praktyki - zgodnie z tradycją świętych Ksiąg Agamy i Tantra Kaula Jogi:
    - Praktykę starożytnej Tantra Krija Jogi
    - Praktykę metodologii True Tantra



W swoim nauczaniu Anand Rudra łączy: 

  • Praktykę starożytnej Tantra Krija Jogi (zgodnie z tradycją świętych Ksiąg Agamy i Tantra Kaula Jogi)
  • Praktykę metodologii szkoły True Tantra
  • Tantryczny Szamanizm, symbolizm i rytualizm Ameryki Północnej
  • Teoria Rezonansu Tantryczno-Szamańskiego

True Tantra School

True Tantra opiera się na starożytnej metodzie nauczania, w której podstawę praktyki stanowią niezależne a jednocześnie uzupełniające się techniki. Kiedy uczysz się Tantry, musisz zrozumieć i doświadczyć wszystkich jej aspektów:

  • Starożytna Tantra Kriya Yoga; rytuały jako metoda poruszenia energii oraz medytacje (yantry i mantry);
  • Uświęcona Seksualność (Święte Połączenie i Święty Świadomy Dotyk);
  • Medytacja (wykorzystanie twojej intencji oraz podejścia bez medytacji);
  • Swahara Yoga (Nauka Pranayamy).

True Tantra stała się jedną z pierwszych instytucji Tantry w Hiszpanii i w Europie, która ustanowiła metodologię sesji Tantry. Cały ten profesjonalny wysiłek został podjęty w celu zbudowania grupy Nauczycieli Starożytnej Tantry Krija Jogi,  masażystów, terapeutów, i społeczności Tantryków. Każdy profesjonalista musi zdawać różne egzaminy ustne i praktyczne, oraz co roku odnawiać swoją wiedzę nie tylko po to, aby pokazać to, czego się nauczył, ale aby zdobyć więcej metod i zagłębić się jeszcze bardziej w praktykę Tantry. Każda z tych osób musi również spełniać wartości etyczne naszej szkoły True Tantra.

Strona internetowa: www.truetantra.eu


© TuiTeraz.eu - Ośrodek rozwoju osobistego i duchowego "TU i TERAZ" w Nowym Kawkowie.


Nowe Kawkowo 52 A, gmina Jonkowo 11-042
woj. warmińsko- mazurskie


Biuro ośrodka: +48 662 759 576
Biuro ośrodka: +48 535 285 450
Jacek Towalski: +48 602 219 382
Maja Wołosiewicz-Towalska: +48 606 994 366



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